TWO Polar bears and a magical scenery

I am still processing what we have experienced yesterday evening (Monday 2/8): We went into the ice - covered magically by the mist and low clouds, the sun scattering through the clouds, being reflected from the melt ponds in the ice, big ice blocks (2-3m thick) being carved from the ice while Oden is braking its way through the ice towards the North Pole. AND we saw TWO curious polar bears that evening! I am still not sure if this is reality or if I am just dreaming. Today is day 10 on Oden, second day in the Arctic, and we have already experienced and seen soo much: whales, Svalbard, launching weather balloons, two polar bears, seals, ICE, magical sceneries, dancing on the Helipad, being inside a helicopter, living on ODEN - an icebreaker…. And yet we have 49 days to go! Incredible!


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